23 August 2021
Caroline, Charlie. Clare G, Liz, Heather M, James D, Neil, Terry, Tim
Caroline, Charlie. Clare G, Liz, Heather M, James D, Neil, Terry, Tim
1 Cash and reserves
- Newsletter £184
- Telephone box £122
- Insurance £4
- Defibrillator £141
- BBC/GVS £2,042
Total cash/reserves £2,493
BBC donation update
2 Marquee (also see below)
- Purchased, including pole bags, box storage and spare fastenings
- PA on order
- Lights and other electrical equipment in due course
3 Picnic table
- In hand
4 Bulbs
- Meeting on 24 August to discuss
5 Water butt
- Installed 20 August
6 Village event(s)
- Deferred pending village lunch and other events
7 GVS update
- Marquee and equipment grant expenditure in progress
- Membership application approved
- Possible joint meeting with the Church and Hall to be considered
Tangible Forum Items
8 Marquee and awning
- Draft terms and conditions have been prepared
- Insurance cover to be included in donations for village use (post meeting)
9 Other equipment and storage: eg village lights, brush cutter
- Nothing to report
10 Noticeboard
- Nothing to report
11 Telephone box
- Nothing to report
Other reserves
12 Defibrillator
- Paediatric pads purchased
- Training to be arranged
- Liz is the Guardian and de facto owner
13 Newsletter
- Newsletter going out imminently
- Sufficient funds for several more before fundraising required
14 Insurance
- Intention is to top up the reserve from Winter’s Eve
15 BBC and GVS balances
- Will be considered together when expenditure is completed
Other matters
16 Grant applications
- Agreed: Panel members should 1) be informed that a grant application is being made and for what purpose 2) be sent details of what the grant scheme is for (eg community equipment, heritage, environment, etc) and 3) see a copy of the application before it is submitted, unless otherwise agreed
17 Establishing reserves
- Agreed: When a reserve is established Panel members are informed about its purpose and any other relevant information
18 Cash contras
- Agreed: Panel members are informed when a contra takes place
19 New activities (post meeting)
- If a new activity is planned, either regular or one-off, and insurance cover is desired then the Panel members are informed
- If a new activity is planned, either regular or one-off, and insurance cover is desired then the Panel members are informed
20 Village Forum briefing
- Terry to draft and circulate
21 Insurance cover for litter pickers (post meeting)
- Confirmed that cover is in place for both damage/injury to litter pickers and by litter pickers
22 Next meeting
- To be arranged: probably December when the grant and donation expenditure has been finalised
14 June 2021
By email: Caroline, Charlie, Clare, Helen, James, Liz, Sue, Terry, Tim
1 Telephone Box
- Caroline has prepared a report of activity in 2020/21 https://www.sthilary.org.uk/home/telephonebox2021
- Caroline has prepared a report of activity in 2020/21 https://www.sthilary.org.uk/home/telephonebox2021
2 BBC donation update
- Picnic table: plans in hand
- Bulbs: plans in hand for autumn planting
- Event: two meetings have been held to discuss an event in September
- Playground: shelved
- Water Butt: ready to implement
3 GVS grant
- £1,000 received from GVS from the COVID-19 small grants scheme (not reflected yet in the figures below)
- Marquee: now purchased £670 to date (not reflected yet in the figures below)
4 Newsletter
- A newsletter was produced in the spring with £75 funding from GVS. There is existing funding for another 5 editions.
5 Events
- No Forum events planned
- No Forum events planned
- Coed event: planned for August, possibly 4th. Details, including a call for help, will be emailed to villagers.
6 Finance
- Current reserves (pre GVS grant and marquee purchase) are:
£ | |||
Newsletter | 184 | ||
Telephone box | 121 | ||
Insurance | 127 | ||
Defibrillator | 191 | ||
BBC donation | 1,500 | ||
Total cash | 2,123 |
7 Any other business
- Grant application process to be considered separately
8 Date of next meeting (virtual or physical):
February 2021
Virtual meeting (Because of Coronavirus lock down): Caroline, Charlie, Helen, Liz, Terry, Tim
1 Accounts (Tim)
- Tim prepared the 2020 accounts which were sent out and approved by email
Virtual meeting (Because of Coronavirus lock down): Caroline, Charlie, Helen, Liz, Terry, Tim
1 Accounts (Tim)
- Tim prepared the 2020 accounts which were sent out and approved by email
2 Telephone Box (Caroline)
- Caroline has written a report about activity in the telephone box in 2020
3 Newsletter (Liz)
- 5 editions of St Hilary News were produced in 2020 (February, March, May, August and October) with welcome financial support from GVS and our printers/ sponsors. All editions are on the People’s Collection Wales website (search for "St Hilary News" and are also held at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth. Current funding exists for another 5 editions and we will look to continue with this project in 2021.
4 Events
- No Forum events planned
- All events on hold until the end of lockdown
5 Any other business
- None
6 Date of next meeting (virtual or physical):